Chair, University Librarian
Office: L-312A, Marston Science Library
Phone: (352) 273-2880
Valrie Minson serves as Associate Dean for Academic Support Services and Chair of the Marston Science Library at the George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida. As Associate Dean she supports institutional reporting, the development of a library assessment program, and student success activities. As Chair she provides leadership for the only non-medical science library on campus, with 2.1 million visitors per year, supporting 42 departments across three colleges. Minson has presented both nationally and internationally and her research agenda addresses data support services, collection management, collaboration and cyberinfrastructure, and agricultural information services.
She held a position as a Collections & Research Services Librarian at Dickinson College prior to UF. Her research interests include: enabling collaboration and exploring new roles for librarians in data infrastructure and technology innovation. She received her bachelor’s degree in English from University of South Florida and her master’s degree in Library Science from Florida State University.
M.L.S., Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL (2002)
B.A., University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, (1998)
Selected Publications:
Minson, V., Bharti, N., Brown, A., Gonzalez, S., Yip, C. (2019) Services and Space in Support of Innovation. Transforming Library Spaces. Medical Libraries Association.
Stapleton, S., Royster. M., Bharti, N., Birch, S., Bossart, J., Butts, S., Cataldo, T., Gonzalez, S.R., Minson, V.I., Putnam, S.R., Yip, C. (2019). Girls Tech Camp Librarians Inspire Adolescents to Consider STEM Careers. Issues in Science & Technology Librarianship (ISTL). 92, Fall.
Danielle, et al. Supporting the Changing Research Practices of Agriculture Scholars. Ithaka S+R Research Report. June 7, 2017.
Stapleton, S., Minson, V., Spears, L., (2017). Investigating the Needs of Agriculture Scholars: Findings from the University of Florida. Ithaka S+R Research Study [Special Issue]. Journal of Agricultural & Food Information.
Minson, V., Norton, H., Tennant, M.R. (2016) Librarians’ Roles in Translating Research Expertise through VIVO. Translating Expertise: The Librarian’s Role in Translational Research. Medical Libraries Association. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Minson, V., Tennant, M., Norton, H.(2015) Translating Expertise: Roles for librarians in the translational research enterprise. Medical Libraries Association. (2016). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Minson, V., Royster, M. (2015) Supporting Faculty Reporting to the USDA at the University of Florida. Agricultural Information Worldwide. Volume 7.
Taylor, L., Alteri, S., Minson, V., Walker, B., Hawley, H., Dinsmore, C., Jefferson, R. (2015) Library Collaborative Networks Forging Scholarly Cyberinfrastructure and Enabling an Environment of Radical Collaboration. Handbook of Research on Academic Library Partnerships and Collaborations.
Taylor, L., Sullivan, M., Minson, V. (2015) Data Curation for Small Databases. Creating Research Infrastructures in the 21st Century Library: Conceiving, Funding, and Building New Facilities and Staff. Editor (B.L. Eden) Creating the 21st Century Academic Library (Volume 4).
Davis, V., Dinsmore, C., Royster, M. (2014) Shared Retention: Addressing library space needs while ensuring continued access to historically significant agricultural collections. Journal of Agricultural and Food Information.
Davis, V., Holmes, K., Conlon, M., Lowe, B., McIntosh, L., Tomich, L., Viggio, A., Westling, C. (October 2012) Implementing VIVO and filling it with life and data. VIVO: A Semantic Approach to Scholarly Networking and Discovery. Editor (K. Borner)
Buhler, A., Davis, V. (2010) Elegance of Science: Coordinating an Annual Scientific Art Contest at the Library. College & Research Libraries News. 71 (5)
Cramer, E., Corson-Rikert, J., Lowe, B., Caruso, B., Cappadona, N., Krafft, D., Davis, V. (2010) VIVO: Enabling National Networking of Scientists, E-research Australasia. (November 8-12). Gold Coast, Australia.
Holmes, K.L., Tennant, M.R., Hack, G., Davis, V., Devare, M.H., Russell Gonzalez, S., Conlon, M., VIVO Collaboration (2010) VIVO: a national resource discovery tool for the biomedical community. Proceedings of the Contributed Papers Session. Biomedical and Life Sciences Division, Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Gonzalez, S., Davis, V., Tennant, M., Holmes, K., and Conlon, M. (2010) Letting the good times roll through alignment: meeting institutional missions and goals with VIVO, a web-based research discovery tool. Proceedings of the Special Libraries Association Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
Davis, V., Taylor, L., Williams, S. V., Benson, D., Gonzalez, S. R., & Sullivan, M. (2010). Increasing access to agricultural publications using digital repositories and the semantic web. International Conference on Digital Libraries, Delhi, India.
Davis, V., Foss, M. (2009) Supporting the distance learning community with Interlibrary Loan and Collection Management at the University of Florida Libraries. Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning. 3 (2) p. 55-66
Davis, V., Devare, M., Gonzalez, S., Tennant, M. (2009) Implementation of a new research discovery tool by the university libraries at Cornell University and the University of Florida. Proceedings of the Contributed Papers Session. SLA Biomedical and Life Sciences Division.
Davis, V., Dinsmore, C. (2008). Serving a diverse and ever-changing agricultural sciences department: Family, Youth & Community in perspective. Journal of Agricultural and Food Information. Binghamton: Haworth Press. 10 (1). 17-26
Gonzalez, S., Davis, V., Dinsmore, C., Frey, C., Newsom, C., Taylor, L. (2008). Bioactive: A Game for Library Instruction. Gaming in Academic Libraries: Collections, Marketing, and Information Literacy. Chicago: IL. 164-174
Kennedy, K., Cataldo, T., Davis, V., Gonzalez, S., & Newsom, C. (2008). Evaluating Continuing Resources: Perspectives and Methods from Science Librarians. Serials Librarian. 55 (3).
Davis, V. (2007). Challenges of Connecting Off-Campus Agricultural Science Users with Library Services. Journal of Agricultural and Food Information. Binghamton: Haworth Press.
Lectures, Presentations, Posters (since 2011)
Minson, V.I., Stapleton, S. (2018) “you can’t just go out on the farm and count cows and measure milk anymore”: Ithaka S+R driving library services forward. USAIN 16th Biennial Conference. Invited Panel Presentation.
Hawley, H., Minson, V.I., Huang, S. (January – March 2018) Visualizing the Natural World. Interpretative exhibit. Smathers Gallery.
Royster, M., Minson, V.I. (2018). Technology Adoption through a Social Media Onboarding Program. USAIN 16th Biennial Conference. Refereed poster
Cataldo, T., Minson, V., Yip, C. (2018) No Pain, No Gain: Print Collections and their Epic Journey to a Storage Facility. ASERL Webinar. March 23, 2018
Russell, S. R., Minson, V., Russell, J. (2016) Collaboration through Linking: A Bilateral Project between University of Florida and Elsevier for Access to Articles by UF Authors. VIVO National Conference. Refereed presentation.
Smith, Bonnie, Minson, V. (2016) Broadening our Scope: International Collaboration for Managing and Retooling the Academic Library. International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Annual Conference. August 15 and 16.
Stapleton, S., Royster, M., Minson, V. (2016) Librarians as leaders: Expanding 3D printing into the agricultural classroom. ACRL Science and Technology Section, American Library Association. Poster.
Minson, V., Russell, J. (2016) Supporting Compliance, Discovery, and Access, through an Elsevier and Library Institutional Repository Pilot. Science Bootcamp for Librarians, Southeast. Refereed presentation.
Royster, M., Stapleton, S., Minson, V. (2016) 3D in Agriculture: Notes from the Field. United States Agricultural Information Network. Presentation.