Evaluating information: Determining the credibility of your sources

Do you need to find references and cite sources for an assignment or publication? Knowing how to evaluate information can ensure that your sources are credible.

Learning objectives

After completing this short tutorial, you will be able to:

  • Describe at least two factors that influence the evaluation of academic information.
  • Explain what aspects influence how we perceive the value of information.
  • Describe risks and opportunities related to AI-generated content.

Why should you evaluate academic information?

As consumers and producers of academic information, learning how to critically evaluate information is an important information literacy skill that will help you:

  • Assess the value, quality, and potential impact of the information.
  • Complete assignments based on credible information.
  • Consider different perspectives and voices that might be underrepresented in your field.
  • Identify reliable information from different types of sources (e.g., social media, blogs).

How do you evaluate information?

As a student, in addition to understanding the different sources of information, it is important to evaluate these sources. A critical evaluation will help you address your information needs. Use the interactive image below (blinking icons) to see additional aspects that you should consider when evaluating information.

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How about AI-generated information? What should you consider?

From recommendation systems in online stores to diagnostic tools in health care, the use of artificial intelligence is growing across all areas of our lives, including education. These tools rely on advanced algorithms and techniques (i.e., machine learning models) to optimize production, customize services, etc. However, using this technology is not without risks. Click on the blinking icons to learn more about AI applications and what to consider when interacting with the content they generate.

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Practice activity