Computer Labs
1st Floor Computer Labs
There are 2 computers labs on the 1st floor. The Thompson lab has 40 Windows computers and another lab in the NW corner has 50 Windows computers.

2nd Floor Computer Lab
The 2nd floor computer lab has 32 Windows, including several Mac computers.

3rd Floor Computers
There is one section containing 10 Windows computers on the 3rd floor. The computers are located outside of room L308.

4th and 5th Floor Computers
The 4th and 5th floors have 4 computers each. They are located in the NW corner of each floor.

CT Computers
Two workstations in the Neon room on the 2nd floor have VGStudio Max, a software package for editing CT scan data. These computers are by reservation only and users can obtain access by reserving time using this form:
For more questions, email our librarians at
All workstations in Marston Science Library, except for the Neon room, have the same software as found in all UFIT-managed computer labs on campus. For a full list of currently-supported software, visit